EMDR Counselling

Jennifer Holt

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a psychotherapeutic treatment modality used to treat troubling symptoms, such as anxiety, guilt, anger, depression, panic, sleep disturbance, and flashbacks, that are the result of traumatic experiences. EMDR is one of two treatment modalities recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to effectively treat trauma. Not only has EMDR therapy been proven effective in reducing the chronic symptoms which follow trauma, the therapy benefits appear to be permanent.

What does EMDR stand for?

Eye Movement ​the beneficial effects are facilitated by an alternating stimulation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Eye movements accomplish this, as do bilateral alternating taps, vibrations, or tones.

Desensitization refers to the removal of the emotional disturbance associated with a traumatic memory.

Reprocessing refers to the replacement of the unhealthy, negative beliefs associated with traumatic memories, with more healthy, positive beliefs.

When is EMDR appropriate?

There are two types of trauma, big “T” trauma and little “t” trauma. Big “T” traumas are the major horrific events, like combat, rape, or the loss of a child. Little “t” traumas are the smaller everyday chronic horrors, like daily negative childhood messages leading a child to grow up believing s/he will never be good enough. EMDR can help heal both types of trauma.

EMDR has been successfully used to treat many problems, some of which include: PTSD; sexual abuse; anxiety; depression; panic attacks; phobias; addictions; and complicated grief.